Friday, March 20, 2009

Self-actualization or my actual self?

This trip has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have always considered myself in touch with my feelings, grounded, in an I've-spent-a-lot-of-money-on-therapy sort of way. I didn't expect to be learning about myself, although when I shared a few of these thoughts with Jon he claims he already knew all about them. My favorite discovery so far is that I really do enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and walking much more than I thought. I didn't really dislike walking (who hates walking??), but I wasn't leaping out of bed to go for a walk, either. Now I am. Well, OK, I still drag out of bed and need a coffee first, but then I am up and out the door. It's fun. I am already planning some hiking trips for this summer in Sweden and can't wait. I might even get a pair of hiking boots, the good kind.  I want to go white water rafting very badly, can't wait to try out a zip line through the jungle, and want to soar over Gotenborg in a hot air balloonGöteborg från luftballong. Remember that song? Anyway, I am now some kind of outdoor adventure enthusiast, and I haven't even mentioned the paragliding yet. This is a bit of a shock to me really, as I never considered myself anything close to athletic, or even sporty. Now I want to jump off a cliff attached to some random person who will fly us to safety by controlling the many ropes and lines of a paraglider. But I haven't totally lost my mind, I'm not reckless. When I was 15 years old and on a beach in Nice, France I had a chance to parasail, but I didn't go for it because I was nervous about my budget and, frankly, too chicken. It took 20 years for another opportunity to parasail, and you bet I didn't let it pass me by. What an exhilirating experience, I wasn't even a bit afraid and I had Sara up there with me. If I could parasail this afternoon, I would. No question. So instead of wondering if I would enjoy a hiking trip in the mountains or a week of Scuba diving in the Carribbean, I am going to buy those hiking boots. We're going to get Scuba certified and take that trip. Put me in, Coach, I'm ready to play.


  1. Re ra re ra riddy riddy riddy riddy riddy riddy rumph.....

  2. re ra re ra riddy riddy riddy riddy (rumph) x 23 - doo, dooley doo, dooley dooley dooley dooley-dooley-doo...
