Friday, March 20, 2009

The Lego Fairy

Sam loves to play with all the new toys in the little girl's room here, especially with her collection of Legos. We have Legos at home for him, but these are different and he can build all kinds of cool new stuff. His favorite theme is the car wash - we've washed hundreds of cars in his car wash and have even washed a few horses and cows (when we're not milking them with the gas pump). Once, when Sara went to the mall, she picked up the 2009 Lego Catalog which she presented to Sam as a gift from the mall. He likes to climb into bed with me at night and "read his Magazine," showing me what he wants to get at the Lego store. He even has gifts picked out for all of us. He favors large sets that have to do with the police or the coast guard, and the other night he found something very special.  Look, Momma! he tells me, it's the Lego Fairy! They have a Lego Fairy in Norway! With this, he grabs me and gives me a big squeeze.  Hmm, yeah, I tell him, but I am working online and don't really pay too much attention to what he's saying. It takes a second to register. Lego Fairy? I picture a princess holding a wand, her body square and pink, and long yellow hair complete with "hair head."  Remember the Lego hair? Actually, it's nothing like that. He found something he learned about here in Ålesund, one of his new favorite means of transport: a Lego ferry. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed - I was looking forward to playing with her.
