Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here's to a new interest...

click the pix for the full effect!
Today I packed a picnic and Jon and I took the kids to the "secret hiding place" for lunch. The weather wasn't really cooperating with us, but we were determined to make the most of Jon's time off so off we went. The kids had a blast, and although it wasn't sunny, the light rain stopped as soon as we arrived and didn't start up again until I was finishing my last bite of sandwich.  We did a bit of rock climbing in the area before we headed for home, as Sara annouced every few minutes that she adores hiking and could do this all day.  Um, what?  Sara, the girl who refuses to wear a warm coat because it doesn't look good, the girl who hates trying new things, has discoved a new interest. Outdoors. This is most encouraging, and I'm excited for next weekend when we take the kids for a surprise getaway.  As we leave the beach, Sara gives me another gift, something she says makes her think of me. It's a small red rock that she found on the shore, shaped like a heart. I put in my jacket pocket, next to my own heart, where Sara always is...adventurer or not.

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