Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I couldn’t be that old!


Today we drove my friend LisafromAfrica back to the airport. She had been in the UK to complete her PhD (!!) in Public Health and decided she could swing a quick trip to Gothenburg to see me. It’s been 17 years, after all. The last time we saw each other, I was still working at the restaurant where we’d met, and she was in the States visiting her parents.  We’d had dinner with my boyfriend at the time, and she told us how she had decided to stay in Zimbabwe after her year-long volunteer contract had ended because she loved the work and, well, she had met someone. Cut to now, and we’ve done a lot! Between us we have 9 years of graduate school, 2 husbands, 4 children, 2 step children, 3 major career changes, 24 chickens, 2 belly scars, 3 swimming pools, 81 years of life experience, and a hell of a lot of good stories.  We talked as fast as we could, barely stopping to eat, and have vowed not to let another 17 years pass before we see each other again. Yet another perk of home exchanging.




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