Thursday, April 23, 2009

de witte mosk

We’ve just arrived at our exchange house in Gapinge, Holland and it’s full of surprises. You already know from reading Jon’s blog that we saw gorgeous views of the tulip fields that I told you about from the airplane (click here if you need to catch up).  We were met at the airport by Piet and Lies, our exchangers, and they turned over their car to us and off we went. I had thought that we were going to be in the middle of nowhere, but it turns out that their house is in a little village, not out in the boondocks. It’s definitely rural compared to, say, Amsterdam, but just a quick drive into the much larger city of Middelburg. The most surprising thing about the house is the beautiful gardens that surround it everywhere – this is especially amazing to me since I have what my mother calls a black thumb. I can barely keep a house plant alive, there is no way I would ever be able to have gardens like these. There were a few surprises in the kitchen as well. Last night as I was cooking, I saw about 30 people go by on horseback, and maybe 50 people ride by on bikes. I’m not kidding! This is such a bike-friendly place that no wonder everyone rides, from the youngest babies on the front of their moms’ bikes to the littlest old ladies who surprise me with their agility. Take a look at the some more pictures of the house and the gardens…I’m going for a bike ride!



  1. Wow - can't wait!!! An extra plus is the garden cat.

  2. SSSSOOOOOOOOOoooooo nice!!

  3. What does "De witte mosk" mean??? It's so pretty!!! And of course I love the cat in the garden(=:

  4. I believe it means "the white mosque" but I am not positive...
